Crassula rupestris, commonly known as Baby Necklace, is a delightful succulent featuring small, rounded leaves stacked along its stem, resembling a string of beads. This plant is perfect for hanging baskets or as a trailing addition to mixed containers.
Crassula rogersii is a compact succulent with small, fleshy leaves that grow densely along its upright stems, making it ideal for small pots or mixed arrangements. This succulent thrives in a variety of indoor environments, offering an easy-care option for both beginners and busy people.
Crassula perforata, commonly known as String of Buttons, is a striking succulent with rosette leaves that grow in a stacked formation, giving it the appearance of buttons on a string. This unique plant is perfect for hanging baskets or trailing over the edges of containers.
Crassula ovata ‘Gollum’, (Gollum Jade), is an eye-catching succulent with tubular, finger-like leaves that often have a reddish tinge at the tips. Its unique shape and whimsical appearance make it a favorite among succulent enthusiasts and perfect for any indoor or outdoor space.
Crassula ovata ‘Hummel’s Sunset’, commonly known as Golden Jade, is a stunning succulent with leaves that turn golden-yellow with vibrant red edges when exposed to bright sunlight. This plant is not only beautiful but also easy to care for.
Crassula ovata ‘Hobbit’ is a whimsical succulent known for its unique tubular, curled leaves that give it a striking, playful appearance. This plant is a popular choice for home décor, particularly in fairy gardens or small pots.